At every single second, fascinating and exciting events take place in the world of wildlife. Each of these events is part of an individual story from the huge repertoire of nature.
Filming these events as impressively as possible and telling the stories behind them in a sensitive and informative way is the goal to produce high-quality wildlife documentaries.

But nature does neither disclose its clandestine events, nor the related stories that easily - they need to be discovered and their presentation be developed for the screen. Therefore, accurate research and preparation with the support of scientists and experts is a fundamental necessity. I have a network of qualified contacts and freelancers - because high-quality work is always the result of professional and reliable teamwork.
Many years of experience are complemented by constant curiosity and the will to understand new things every day - evolution is also essential in wildlife filmmaking.
This ensures that wildlife documentaries are presented at the highest level and in a contemporary way to the viewers - to convey how great nature really is and that it is necessary and worthwhile to preserve it.